Sunday, November 6, 2011

What the Hell is the Internet?

For the past three weeks I've had a BLAST watching football on Sundays.  Thanks to the power of the interwebs and Google I still get to share it with my friends.  I'm 3,000 miles away but it's a point and click on my Google+ account to start a "hangout" aka a group video chat.  So far it's been Digger from his Iowa pad, and a room full of the rest of the hooligans watching football at somebody's pad.  I know we're just a week or two away from a handful of people to join up.

It's great.  I really look forward to every Sunday to get back in touch with my bros and find out what's going on.  You got a gmail account?  you want in?  Join up on Google+ and check our stream to join up!  I still get my Sunday full of shenanigans with my buddies; all thanks to the internet 

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